Business intelligence audit checklist

Business Intelligence Requirements and Checklist Template Comparable criteria 1647 criteria Business intelligence (BI) Requirements Checklist

Business intelligence (BI) Requirements Checklist

Business Intelligence Software Requirements Gathering Checklist

Business intelligence (BI) improves business performance and boosts revenues by helping you identify opportunities from current and historic data. To collate this Big Data into one single point of truth, executives turn to business intelligence and analytic solutions, but the thousands of different BI offerings on the market make it difficult to determine which BI solution to choose. According to TEC CTO Mehdi Aftahi compounding this are external and internal company challenges including finding a product that integrates with your current applications, satisfies all team members, and fits within your budget.

To hedge your risk and increase your potential for success, your BI product needs to meet your company’s current and future needs, which is why companies start their evaluation process by gathering BI requirements to help them determine what to look for in a vendor.

Check out this short video from TEC introducing BI systems and how they can be used in business to enhance your business performance and hence your bottom line:

A business intelligence requirements gathering template—also known as a business intelligence report requirements template or a business intelligence requirements checklist—is a tool used to gather and document the necessary information and criteria for a successful BI software evaluation and selection project, and even implementation project. It helps ensure that the selected BI solution meets the needs of the organization and its stakeholders. While specific requirements may vary depending on the nature of the project, industry, and organization, here is a general business intelligence checklist that you can adapt and expand upon:

Types of Business Intelligence Requirements

Your business intelligence requirements gathering template is grouped into functional and nonfunctional requirements. The functional items define what your BI system must do and what its features and functions are, such as data modeling and database design. Non-functional requirements itemize your BI system’s qualitative attributes, such as usability and user experience.

TIP: TEC’s Brief Intro to Business Intelligence (BI) Systems concludes that the best BI requirements lists are those that are thorough and clear.

Business Intelligence Functional Requirements