Each Division within DEQ manages applications and forms for their permits, certifications, and programs.
The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) works with the state's citizens to protect and improve outdoor, or ambient, air quality in North Carolina for the health, benefit and economic well-being of all. The DAQ does not deal with indoor air pollution issues, workplace safety, second-hand smoke, asbestos, mold contamination, radon, and radiation protection.
The Division of Coastal Management works to protect, conserve and manage North Carolina's coastal resources through an integrated program of planning, permitting, education and research. DCM carries out the state's Coastal Area Management Act, the Dredge and Fill Law and the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 in the 20 coastal counties, using rules and policies of the N.C. Coastal Resources Commission, known as the CRC.
The Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources promotes the wise use and protection of North Carolina's land and geologic resources. Within the division, the Land Quality Section programs regulate and provide technical assistance related to mining, energy exploration and production, dam safety and sedimentation control; the N.C. Geological Survey performs scientific investigations, provides technical assistance and maps the state’s geological resources; and the division as a whole supports public education in the earth sciences.
The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service serves to protect and improve North Carolina's environment and economy through providing customer-focused assistance; facilitating a greater understanding of environmental permitting and compliance; encouraging wider adoption of sustainable practices; promoting increased recycling and reduced waste disposal and; reducing impacts from resource consumption.
The Division of Marine Fisheries is dedicated to ensuring sustainable marine and estuarine fisheries and habitats for the benefit and health of the people of North Carolina. The division is organized into nine sections: Fisheries Management, Marine Patrol, Resource Enhancement, Public Affairs, Administrative Services, Maintenance Services, License and Statistics, Habitat Protection and Information Technology.
The Division of Mitigation Services is an initiative that restores and protects wetlands and waterways for future generations while offsetting unavoidable environmental damage from economic development.
The Division of Waste Management regulates solid waste disposal, hazardous waste management, underground storage tanks and Superfund cleanups. They also provide technical assistance to businesses, industries, local governments and citizens to help reduce and better manage wastes. Their mission is to prevent the harmful release of waste to the environment and clean up existing contamination.
The Division of Water Infrastructure administers programs to provide financial assistance to local government units for water and wastewater infrastructure projects. The grants and low-interest loans provided by the division help provide clean water for the citizens of North Carolina at an affordable cost.
The Division of Water Resources protects the state's surface water and groundwater resources through quality monitoring programs, efficient permitting, responsible management, fair and effective enforcement and excellence in public service.