Child care and early learning providers operating a program for four or more unrelated children must be certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. The Department regulates three types of child care facilities:
If you are interested in operating a child care facility, you should contact the Department of Human Services Regional Child Development Office that regulates child care facilities in your county. Each regional office is assigned responsibility for facilities located in specific counties in Pennsylvania.
Staff in Regional Offices conduct orientation sessions for prospective child care providers in which you can obtain information related to opening and operating a child care facility. Attendance at an orientation session is required prior to receiving a certificate of compliance or registration. Effective September 30, 2016, all prospective child care operators must provide verification that they have completed training in 10 health and safety training topics as prescribed by the Federal Government in order to receive a certificate of compliance. Access an online module where prospective providers can take 9 of the 10 topics. The tenth topic is Pediatric CPR and Pediatric First Aid. The prospective provider would have to contact the American Red Cross, the ELRC or another training organization to determine how to obtain the face to face training for the Pediatric CPR and First Aid. Information for the ELRC can be accessed at
Staff in your Regional Office can provide information regarding the laws and regulations pertaining to child care facilities and can answer questions regarding the requirements for operating a child care facility. In addition, regional staff inspect child care facilities and provide technical assistance to child care providers.
The child care regulations are available on the Web at the following links: