Career & College Promise

boy on stilts statue outside

Jump start your college career while you’re still in high school with the Career & College Promise (CCP) program. CCP is a free opportunity that allows high school students to earn college and high school class credit from the same class while only paying for required textbooks and software. These credits can then be used to accelerate the completion of a college certificate, diploma, or associate degree after graduating from high school.

Getting Started

Once you decide which CCP pathway is right for you, you’ll need to schedule an advising appointment with our CCP Advisor to get started.

The following forms are required for your advising appointment:

Students with an unweighted grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 or higher automatically qualify for the CCP program. If a student does not hold a GPA of 2.8, they may be considered through other eligibility benchmarks that demonstrate college readiness. Students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or lower will automatically qualify for Career-Technical Education courses with the approval of their high school's Career Development Coordinator and high school Counselor.

Prospective CCP students should reach out to their high school counselor to determine their eligibility, discuss class options, and begin the enrollment process. Students and parents may also reach out to our CCP advisors at any time. Homeschooled students can submit their transcripts by email for evaluation. Please ensure that there is an unweighted GPA on the transcripts.